This package is all about juicing and includes the following: “Get Juicing! 10 Best Healthy Juicing Recipes” (10 recipes, 2749 words and 10 images) Complete recipe book ecover set with editable PSD file The 10 recipes from the recipe book in text format Recipe card graphics with details of all 10 recipes “Get Juicing! Your Quick Guide to Juicing” (3106 words and 10 images) Complete report ecover set with editable PSD file The report, broken down into 5 articles 10 social media graphics 20 photos to use with your content As you can see, it’s tons of great stuff with many possibilities. You can see the full details and get a sneak peek at the images here. You can also save $10 on your purchase if you grab this in the next few days. Just enter coupon code: JUICINGMEGA and the savings will automatically be applied. As you can see, it’s tons of great stuff with many possibilities.
CLICK HERE to see the full details and get a sneak peek at the images.
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