Writing can be difficult, especially if have several distractions, tasks, and responsibilities. One of the best ways to make creating content for your blog a little bit easier is to create a productive workspace for writing.
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Here are tips & ideas to help you create a productive workspace for writing…
1. Start by eliminating as many distractions as possible.

While you may need to have your computer on to write, you don’t need notifications from email and social media popping up to distract you. Turn off all notifications or use a distraction-free app for writing. Also, turn off phone notification sounds and keep your T.V. off.
No one can work efficiently while distracted. It’s like trying to drive and read a book at the same time…you WON’T do either one well. The best way to be productive is to focus on one task at a time. When you’re writing, set those distractions aside and try to stay totally focused for a specific period of time.
2. Clear away surrounding clutter.
Clutter around your desk also creates clutter in your mind. Get rid of the clutter before you sit down to write. Better yet, don’t let the clutter accumulate. Create a maintenance plan to prevent it. Guard your writing space against being swamped by paper, gadgets, and items that aren’t even necessary for your work.
3. Grab all essentials before beginning to write.
You probably only need a computer or a pen and paper. Do you need something to drink? (I usually do. Um… COFFEE!! lol) What about tissues? Getting up and down to grab items will cause you to break your distractions.
Before you sit down to write, make sure you have everything necessary. This way you can stay focused until your content is written. You won’t have extra distractions or a reason to get up from your desk.
4. Set out your “Do not disturb” sign.
If you work from home, then try to set boundaries with your family. Let them know your writing schedule and that you need quiet time. Give them a time when you will soon be available to help them with something or answer questions, etc. (As humans, we’re a bit more patient when we know a specific time in which we will be able to get help.)
If you have children and they’re young, then consider writing when they’re asleep or occupied for the length of time you need to write. This way you can cut down on distractions.
5. Surround yourself with inspiration.

Writing is a creative process. Even if you’re writing very dry material, you should still strive to make it interesting. You’ll have better success when you feel inspired and creative yourself.
Surround yourself with things that make you feel creative. Your writing environment should be comfortable, but not so comfortable that you fall asleep. ha! ha!
Some ideas for inspiring items include:
- Plants
- Photos
- Scented Candle
- Books (especially books on your niche topic)

6. Add an element of time to your writing environment.
Set goals for your content and your writing time. For example, if you have three hours to write, how much can you accomplish during that time?
A clock or a timer can help you stay on track to accomplish your content goals. *Fun app to try: OneTask
Also, decide on how many words you need to write. Do you know your average words per hour? This can help you set future goals and conduct your time management.
Learning how to create a productive workspace for your writing can help you improve your blogging and make it more enjoyable.
Happy feeding your blog!
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