Christmas Sales” so I thought for this month I would start creating some FREE Christmas PLR Gaphics for you. Here’s the first one…
Resize it to meet your needs. I left a small white space on the right side that you could possibly add your own little text such as –“20% off” or “Free Gift Included” etc. I use for most quick sizing adjustments and to add some small text.
NOTE: This free plr graphic is for your personal use only for your business. In other words, please don’t just redistribute it in a collection of images. Please do right click and save to your own computer. Personalize it with your own domain name, share it your own social networks or use for your newsletters or blogs.
One of the keys with marketing to your customers is to start promoting sales early; this way they can budget or plan for that extra expense. What happens if they’ve already bought from other people who had sales, and now they’re past their budget to spend with you? Also, do some follow up emails: (1) After a couple of days, let them know that the sale is still available. (2) The day before, let them know your offer is about to expire. (3) That day let them know there’s only “so many” hours left.
Happy Friday — enjoy the weekend!
Nice graphics, Rhonda!
Thanks so much, Kim…and thanks for stopping by my site. Have a great Friday!
woooooow!!! thanks for that
Love the graphics
You’re very welcome, Marian.