numerous hours and resources to design and build this PLR Course…and the quality really shows in the final product! To get an idea of the extent of the course, take a look at what you get… There are 3 parts to How to Create Your Marketing Plan: (Click here to view now) Part 1: Participant Materials These are the core course contents that your customers and clients need to learn how to create a marketing plan, and to actually put one together by the end of the course. Materials include: * Course Book (58 pages) * Workbook (38 pages) * 3 Infographics (marketing models from the course) * 6 Graphics (concepts from the course) * Marketing Plan Template (doc template) * Marketing Plan Overview (ppt template) * Marketing Plan Checklist * Marketing Budget Spreadsheet Part 2: Facilitator Materials This is the training content – the tools and instructions you need to teach the course in any media format (slides, webinar, video, audio, classroom, etc). You’ll get: * Slides (175 illustrated slides that follow the Course Book) * Speaker Notes (your script and instructions) * Facilitator Guide (instructions for running the course, plus all the notes) * Course Evaluation Form (to get feedback) * Course Follow-Up Emails (to reconnect after the course) * Top Ways to Implement Your Training * Tips for using ready-to-go training * Mind Map overview of the entire course contents * Research Sources (where to learn more) Part 3: Promotion Materials We’ve also put together a slew of promotion tools for selling your course. A lot of this content is also great as an add-on to the course itself. You get: * Opt-in Report – 3 Keys to Creating a Successful Marketing Plan * Opt-in Infographic (the contents of the report in infographic format) * 5 Follow-Up Emails (to promote the course) * 5 Blog Posts * 30 Tweets * Promotional Slide Show (40 slides that can be used to create a webinar) * 2 Promotional Videos (1 for the opt-in and 1 for the course) * 5 Quote Images * eCovers * Opt-in Page Template * Sales Page Template (all sales copy included)
CLICK HERE to learn more about How to Create Your Marketing Plan
*You’ll get 3 different purchase options on that page: Option 1: Participant Materials (just the core content) Option 2: Participant + Facilitator Materials (Trainer’s Bundle) Option 3: Participant + Facilitator + Promotion Materials (Complete Course Bundle) Take your pick and grab what you need. Naturally, the best value is in the complete bundle ____________________________________ THANK YOU for taking time to visit my PLR Content Shop! Here’s a FREE image I made for you to use in your social media promotions. (Just add your URL at the bottom) *Please right click to save to your own computer.
==>> FREEBIE: Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.]]>