For those interested in Facebook marketing, there’s TWO PLR Content Packages that I would like you to know about…
#1 How to Start, Grow,Engage and Monetize Facebook Groups – PLR Training Guide
With all of the changes that Facebook has throw at us, one thing has

remained constant. Facebook groups are an amazing way to build a strong,
thriving community, and to stay in front of your ideal clients day in
and day out, on their computers and on their phones.
That is why this brand new toolkit
“How to Start, Grow, Engage and Monetize Facebook Groups” is sure to be a winner.
This 7 Step Training Covers:
Step 1: Understanding Facebook Group Psychology, Culture and
Current Structure
Step 2: What You Can—and Can’t—Do
Step 3: Setting your Facebook Group Goals
Step 4: Making the Most of your “Real Estate”
Step 5: How to Set Up Your Group
Step 6: How to Maximize your Monetization
Step 7: How to Keep it Positive—and Get Your Group Going
Click here to view now
Plus, you also get all these additional tools:
* 63 PowerPoint Slides
* Worksheet for Your Clients & Guests (7-pages)
* 3 Week Done-for-You Timeline for creating and implementing a strong
Facebook Groups marketing system (7-pages)
* Checklist (6-pages)
* Resource Directory with Links to Tools & Resources (5-pages)
* 21 Ideas Report for How to Start, Grow, Engage and Monetize
Facebook Groups (8-pages)
#2 No-Nonsense Guide to Facebook Ads – PLR Guide