Melissa & Nicole’s latest workshop (course) with PLR is called: “Sassy Business Systems: The Secret to Less Stress and More Profits” **Alert: It’s on sale for 1 week only! (Friday, April 10, 2015) Click here to get full details about this workshop now. Remember, this is Done-for-You Content – so you get to edit it, brand it to your business, put your name it, showcase your own sites in it (and your clients), customize it and sell it to your clients. Here’s an overview of the 4 sections of this workshop: Module 1: Stress-Free Immediately In this first module, your clients will concentrate on freeing up their time as quickly as possible with simple solutions that have lasting effects. Module 2: Tame the Tech Your clients aren’t the first online business owners to be intimidated by tech. But when your clients work through module 2, they’ll be much better equipped to handle even the stickiest techy problem. Module 3: Sexy Sales + Streamlined Systems This is where your client’s hard work will really start to pay off—with automated, systematized sales processes that drive traffic and make money like clockwork Module 4: Easy-Breezy Money Matters Of course, getting the money in their bank account isn’t the end. There’s still work to do, or else they’ll wind up with a mess come tax time. Not only that, but like every well-run business, your clients need to have a budget, pay the bills on time, and plan for the future.
Click here to check out this workshop while the discounted price is in effect
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