I’m excited to share with you THREE FABULOUS PLR products that are perfect topics for the beginning of this new year…. especially for those who are BUSINESS COACHES or if you’re in the SELF HELP NICHE… and all of these can only to be grabbed at their current price for a limited time!
1. Maximize Your Productivity
Presented by Sharyn…Product Overview:
Use this customizable report, worksheets and graphics to teach people how to conquer the biggest challenge most of us face – how to work faster and get more done.
- Report
- Workbook
- Infographics
- Tweets
- …and more!
Click Here to View More Details Now
__________________________________________________________2. Personal Success Program – 72 Pages of PLR content
Presented by Tiffany… The private label reports are about to go live on her site in just 5 short days for a whopping $72 – but she’s letting us access it until Tuesday evening for just $17 total! Look at the report topics below: 1. Do Your Actions Support a Strong Success Mindset? 2. Finding Your Catalyst for Personal Motivation and Inspiration 3. 4-Step Goal Setting Strategy 4. Daily Habits for Happiness and Success 5. Protect Yourself from the Top 10 Self Esteem Leeches 6. Mastering the Phases of Personal and Professional Relationships 7. Mental Training for Peak Life and Work Performance 8. Building Your Network That Supports Your End Goals 9. Systemize Your Business for Increased Earning Power 10. Keep Your Productivity on Track Through Any Obstacles Since it crosses over between business success and personal satisfaction, it should convert well for the self help and business niche, both.Click here to view more details now
__________________________________________________________3. Simple and Fun Goal Setting Strategies to Create Your Most Spectacular Year Ever!
Presented by Melissa & Nicole…
- Step-by-Step Training Guide (19-pages, 5493 words)
- 33 PowerPoint Slides Created from the Step-by-Step Training to use for Your Presentations, Videos, and Webinars
- Worksheet Handout for Your Clients & Guests (6-pages, 981 words)
- One Week Done-for-You Timeline with weekly and monthly action items to initiate action towards your big goal (4-pages, 556 words)
- Checklist for Your Clients & Guests (8-pages, 574 words)
- Resource Directory with Links to Tools & Resources (6-pages, 994 words)
- 21 Ideas Blueprint on Simple and Fun Goal Setting Strategies to Create Your Most Spectacular Year Ever! (8-pages, 2011 words)
This Toolkit Gets Retired from their Website on Friday, February 20th!
Click here to view more details now (**Currently, the last PLR product on the page.)
__________________________________________________________ THANK YOU for taking time to visit my PLR Content Shop! Here’s a FREE image I made for you to use in your social media promotions. (Just add your URL at the bottom) *Please right click to save to your own computer.
==>> FREEBIE: Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.]]>