Today’s featured PLR content provider is Tools for Motivation
There are a lot of different ways to become a successful coach. One of the most important aspects; however, is to have a strong mentoring relationship. Today’s featured resource provides one of the best PLR content for coaches on mentoring.
What’s the offer: The Power Of Mentoring – PLR content with everything you need to create an information product on this topic and marketing materials.
PLR Coupon Code: None needed, but Special Pricing Offer Closes: March 8, 2022 at midnight PST
You’ll get a private label lead generation report, mini-reports, mentoring guide ebook, workbook, checklists, audiobook, trainer’s slide deck for presentations, 10 PLR article bundle for your blog or newsletter, and an autoresponder series for a follow-up to turn those leads into sales.
The mentor guide (29 pages) covers the following topics:
Mentorship Basics
What Is Mentorship?
Why Should I Get A Mentor?
Why Would I Consider Being A Mentor?
Finding A Mentor
What Should I Look For In A Mentor?
Where Can I Find A Mentor?
Learning From A Mentor
The Strategy
Becoming A Mentor
How Can I Become A Mentor?
How Can I Be The Best Mentor Possible?
Coaching is a very rewarding profession. It is important to have a good mentor to help you along the way. PLR content for coaches on mentoring can be a useful tool for both new and experienced coaches.
Click here to grab your PLR content for coaches on mentoring
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