Save Money Tutuorials & Tools – Illustrated PLR
Licenses to be sold: 100 (early bird discount available)
This PLR package shows your readers practical ways to manage their money.
PLR Rights Bundle Topics Include:
Virtual Tour: Saving Money with (4.5 pages / 10 images): This quick guide comes with tips and screenshots to show your readers how they can benefit from using to save money. HINT: has an affiliate program, so be sure to add your affiliate link!
Virtual Tour: Using the Highly-Rated YNAB (You Need a Budget) Software (6 pages / 8 images):Show your readers how easy it is to take control of their money and budget with this guided tour of the software. HINT: YNAB has an affiliate program and a free trial, so be sure to add your affiliate link!
Personal Budget Spreadsheet: For your old-school readers who want something simple or aren’t ready for software yet, you can share this spreadsheet. It allows your readers to input their budget and actual expenses, tracking their totals and allowing them to see how well they stay on budget.
50 Ways to Save Money on Groceries & Household Items Checklist (2.5 pages): A budget is only as good is its creator. Teach your readers how to save money and easily cut items in their budget with this handy checklist.
That’s over 13 pages and 18 images of ready-to-go or ready-to-edit and monetize content!
First 50 license purchases get $5 off…just enter coupon code: savemoney