How can you make the most out of your WordPress comments?
Lynette’s latest PLR plugin for the month is out! This one is called Comment Promo.
(Grab the FREE IMAGE I made for you above! Just right click to save to your own computer.)
After someone comments on your blog, don’t just leave them hanging…
This is the perfect time to:
1. Lead them to more informative posts so they stay longer 2. Promote your products or affiliate offers 3. Invite them to opt-in 4. Remind them to share the post 5. Offer a special commenter’s only coupon 6. Offer a comment thank you downloadIncludes Seller Tools
- Fully formatted HTML sales letter
- Fully formatted HTML thank you page
- Delayed Download plugin for WordPress
- Installation and usage guide (DOC and PDF)
- Box shot graphics (JPG and PSD)
- User Guide Graphics (JPG and PSD)
==>> FREEBIE: Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.]]>