If you’ve been blogging for a while, then you probably already know that “content curation” is the gathering of content resources (usually) on a related topic.
Why use content curation for your blog’s audience?
You don’t want to be a lonely island blogger. Sharing content can be a great way to network with other bloggers while helping your audience learn and discover great, useful content.
Content curation is a thoughtful way to help your readers by offering insightful information on topics that interest your audience. There is NO way you can write about everything and be an expert on every single topic that your readers are interested in.
Your readers will appreciate your generosity in curating content. It will also help you establish yourself as a leader in your niche because it shows that you are still seeking to learn and read more as well.
So, below, I’m sharing with you a SIX quick content curation IDEAS for bloggers…
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Offer a Weekly Spotlight Post
A round-up post of information that your blog readers would be interested is a great way to build leadership in your niche. You can share your own thoughts about the resources.
Curate Questions and Answers
You can ask questions from your audience ahead of time and curate a collection of the best answers. Or you can curate answers online to questions your audience often asks. (Use the search engines to find popular questions. These types of posts will also rank well in the search engines and help your blog get discovered organically.)
Curate Related Content from Your Own Blog Posts
Create a collection on a specific topic from your already published blog posts. You can send it out in a newsletter, put them on a permanent page for the visitors, or even create a Livestream discussion of the best tips from each article.
TIP: If your audience asks more questions, this will also help you see if there are any gaps on that topic that you may need to create more content to cover.
Curate “The Best Of ….” Blog Posts
Most readers love “the best of” round-up posts. Set aside time to round up your best content on a particular topic. This is a great way to showcase the best posts you’ve published, but you can include posts from other online publishers who have content that is relevant to your niche.
Add Value to Your PLR Content Posts
Today I was reading a discussion in a group about using PLR content on your blogs. It seems PLR (Private label rights) content has really received a bad reputation, and yet, there are hundreds of entrepreneurs who are making a very good income online using PLR content.
This tells me it’s all about “where” you buy it and “how” you use it. PLR allows you to work smarter, saves time, and saves money on hiring writers. And it sure beats staring at a blank screen when you can’t decide what to write about next.
Three main points in effectively using PLR:
(1) It’s important to find good resources that publish PLR in the niche you are in,
(2) Rewrite some of your content to make it unique (See my post, 5 Creative Ways to Make PLR Content Unique for Your Readers), and
(3) Add some fun visuals, illustrations, and resourceful content curation to add value.
Link to some good related resources within your content will add value to your PLR articles.
Make Use of Other Bloggers’ Professional Research
Curate research information instead of articles. You can explain about the research in your own words and link to the post sharing the data.
When you share your thoughts, you are also developing the reputation as someone who knows their stuff. Showing that you’re up-to-date on current information and research about your topic is a fantastic way to establish leadership in your niche.
As you locate content to share, always explain to your audience why it’s important and what action they should take. If you’re sharing only what’s most valuable to your audience, it won’t much time for extra explanation. Your audience will build trust that you won’t be wasting their time and they will find that you value them with your generosity.
Happy feeding your blog this week,
Rhonda White, PLRContentShop
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