Easter – PLR Package
This Easter themed package is filled with articles, recipes and more.
* 7 Ways to Use Hard Boiled Eggs
* Alternatives to Easter Candy
* Easter Brunch Menu Ideas
* How to Involve Your Child in Easter Cooking Activities
* More to Chocolate Than Meets the Taste Buds
Text Recipes:
* 5 Distinct Flavors for Lamb
* 6 Glazes for Ham
* 12 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs
* Antipasto Salad
* Apple Butter French Toast Recipe
* Braided Easter Egg Bread
* Easter Drink Ideas
* Fruity Chicken Salad
* Ham and Zucchini Pie
* Honey Glazed Cake
* Hot Cross Buns
* Lamb and Rice Casserole
* Leftover Ham a la King
* Mediterranean Hash Quiche
* Moms Favorite Blueberry Muffins
Bonus: A 6-page document that you can share with your readers. It includes a blank Easter Menu sheet, 2 Party Planning sheets and 3 Easter related word find puzzles.