Hope everyone had a great Christmas and so far having a Happy New Year! I still haven’t taken my Christmas tree down…just hate to see it go. And I love seeing the pretty lights in the early morning when I get out of bed. (We have it set to go on and off at certain hours.)
I created a new PLR graphic moments ago. On Thursday, January 10th, it’s “Houseplant Appreciation Day”
Blog post topic idea: Have people share a photo or video of their favorite houseplant(s). You could create a Pinterest board to collect several pictures. Maybe even hold a contest on the most creative display idea. (I’ve certainly seen some creative houseplant displays.)
NOTE: This free plr graphic is for your personal use only for your business. In other words, please don’t just redistribute it in a collection of images. Please do right click and save to your own computer. Personalize it with your own domain name, added text, etc. Share it your own social networks or use for your newsletters or blogs.
Enjoy the weekend!