New! Google Checkout – 4 Illustrated PLR Guides
Limited licenses: 125
This PLR package includes 4 in-depth bundles to help your readers get started with an use some of Google Checkout’s important functions.
PLR Topics Include:
- Create a Buy Now Button (6.5 pages / 11 images): Step-by-step guidance to create a buy now button by choosing a button type, style, entering product details and more.
- Create a Coupon Code (3.5 pages / 8 images): How to create a coupon code, customize the code, type of discount, coupon limitations and managing coupons.
- Create an Email Invoice (2.5 pages / 6 images): Shows your readers how to send and customize an invoice for their clients.
- Downloadable Reports (3.5 pages / 6 images): How to download sales reports, choose orders to include and more.