New! Kindle Publishing – PLR Emails
This PLR Ecourse includes 5 emails and squeeze page text.
The emails included are:
* How to quickly write a book, even if you have no
experience and think youre not a writer.
* Where to find answers to the confusing questions
on Kindle formatting, and how to easily generate
Kindle-ready HTML.
* How to determine the best price point for your
market, and why you need to make this decision
before you begin writing.
* Why you should consider buying your own ISBN, and
where to go for help Dont let Amazon stake a
claim on your book until you read this!
* How to pull out all the stops when it comes to
marketing, and how you can use the power of social
media to propel your book to the top of the charts.
These emails are all around 500 words long, so they can easily be used as blog posts, articles, or you could even put them together to make a short report.