“How to Create a Low-Maintenance Monthly Club to Earn Recurring Revenue and Stop Selling Hours for Dollars!” Pst! I made a FREE ecover EXCLUSIVE to my Readers and Subscribers ONLY! *See further below. You can sell it as a 4-week live (or not) coaching program, host a workshop/bootcamp, sell it as an info product, etc. Don’t wait to get this one because it’s HUGELY discounted, but only until THIS Thursday, October 6th at Midnight EST! ==>Click here to view now Here’s everything that you’ll get instantly when you purchase. Your PAID Coaching Program will include: 4 Training Modules (46-pages, 10,424 words) * Module 1: Create Your Brilliant Low-Maintenance Monthly Club (and What NOT to Do) * Module 2: Sexy Program Planning that Makes Them Want to Stay * Module 3: Product Launch Platform Strategies * Module 4: Rock Your Recurring Profits & Grow Your Business 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (27-pages) 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (16-pages) 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Webinars or Videos (64 slides) Ready-to-Go Sales Letter with Copy sell your program PLUS, you’ll also receive all of these promotional materials to complete your funnel: Free Webinar or Teleseminar Registration Page and Copy Webinar or Teleseminar Script: Why You’re Still Stuck Selling Hours for Dollars and How to Break the Cycle Webinar PowerPoint Slides Webinar or Teleseminar Handout 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook & Twitter 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program As usual, there’s a reward for FAST Action Takers with loyalty discounts!
Click here to view more details and grab this offer at its lowest price
____________________________________ THANK YOU for taking time to visit my PLR Content Shop! Here’s a FREE image I made for you to use in your social media promotions. (Just add your URL at the bottom) *Please right click to save to your own computer.

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