“Turn your business website into a lead machine and money magnet” – Click Here to Check it Out Now
Sounds catchy and enticing for business owners, right? 🙂
What’s Included in this PLR Package:
- One 44-page (5863 words) report divided into 4 modules so you can create a big beefy product, or sell as a 4-week program
- 49 PowerPoint slides to create a video product or host a webinar or for your live presentation
- Guest handout to give to your webinar guests or to add to your finished product
- Checklist to add to your finished product
- 11-page (1836 words) Workbook to give away to build your list
- Sales letter and thank-you page to sell your completed product from
- Mini site template for sales letter
- Squeeze page to send people to register for your free webinar, plus confirmation and thank-you pages
- Mini Site Template for your squeeze page
- 2 Event promo emails to market your live webinar
- 2 Promo emails to sell your webinar recordings or paid product
- 2 professionally designed ecovers for the report and workbook (JPEG & PSD)
- 5 Facebook posts promoting the report/webinar
- 5 Twitter tweets promoting the report/webinar
- 5 blog posts to help you drive traffic to your webinar and product
Click HERE to check out more details
____________________________________ Thank You for taking time to visit my PLR Content Shop! Here’s a FREE image I made for you to use in your social media promotions. (Just add your URL at the bottom) *Please right click to save to your own computer.
==>> FREEBIE:  Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.]]>