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Fun Day Trips (Click here to check it out now)
This guide will give you 10 different day trip ideas. Youll learn about
couples day trips, girls day trips, day trips you can do with kids, day
trips involving water and many more.
17 pages, 4,903 words eBook to sell or giveaway (in .TXT, .PDF & .DOC
– eCover graphics in 3 sizes, plus PSD version for editing
– All source files (DOC.,PSD., TXT.)
Note: This package will be removed from Wendy’s site on Sunday, May 19, 2013 or
sooner if all licenses are sold before then.
For complete product details click here
Here’s a FREE graphic for you to use with this PLR Offer… (right click to save to your computer; personal use only for your business — no resell rights.)