This new kit is called “Saving Time so You Can Work Less” and includes:
* 12-page step-by-step template guide (3404 words)
* 14-page 21 Creative Ideas for Saving Time So You Can
Work Less Idea Sheet (3855 words)
* 6-Week Printable Calendar (13 pages, 888 words)
* 5-page checklist (552 words)
* 18-page Resource Rolodex (2426 words)
* 4 Worksheets totaling (7-pages, 564 words)
You can basically take the PLR content and add to your ebooks and webinars and products that you’re already selling and…
1. Make them more valuable so you can charge more.
2. Help them to sell better to increase your conversions.
3. Get better results for your customers so they become loyal