WordPress PLR Illustrated Guide – Part 2
Licenses to be sold: 100
PLR Rights Bundle Topics Include:
- How to Install a WordPress Plugin (2 pages / 6 images): Shows your readers how to install and activate a plugin.
- How to Set up a Blogroll (5 pages / 9 images): Illustrates how to set up categories and add a blogroll to a WordPress site.
- Add an Image to Your Sidebar (3 pages / 9 images): Shows how to customize the sidebar to add an image.
- How to Set up Permalinks (2 pages / 3 images): How to create more user or search engine friendly links.
- 4 Fully-Illustrated Quick How-to-Reports (.doc format): Bundle them into a larger report or use them as a basis for an ebook. We’ve finished the technical how-to portion, now you just add your own pizzazz.
- Full Rights to all Images: Create web pages, FAQs, blog posts or any type of content you’d like. Easily insert the images, format the text to your liking and you’re ready to teach your readers what they need to know