“presell” report to warm up your subscribers and readers about a product that you want to promote as an affiliate. This helps your conversion rates. This particular one is to help promote the product: Xtreme Fat Loss that’s sold on ClickBank More info about the report…. 8 1/2 pages, 3,280-words Tiffany titled this report Shed Fat and Find Your Six Pack Abs and it starts with a short introduction and then covers the following topics:
- How Long Will It Take to Get Abs?
- Choose Your Plan of Attack
- The Foods You Eat Will Impact Your Abs
- An Ab-Friendly Way of Scheduling Meals
- Foods That Help Eliminate Stomach Flab
- Nutritional Tasks
- Get to Know Your Abs
- Men Who Want Washboard Abs
- Women Who Want Washboard Abs
- Exercise Equipment for Men and Women

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