New! Social Media for Business PLR – 5 Week Training Course Very Limited Time – This package comes off the market THIS Friday, December 16, 2011 at 9pm EST! 64 pages, 13,669 words of content This package includes 5 lessons, 5 checklists, a sales letter, ecover, and covers: * Week 1: Intro to Social Media in Business (16 pages, 3627 words) * Week 2: Facebook for Business (12 pages, 3052 words) * Week 3: Google+ for Business (11 pages, 2588 words) * Week 4: Twitter for Business (13 pages, 2623 words) * Week 5: LinkedIn for Business (12 pages, 1779 words) This PLR can be used as a 5 week training course, set up as a 5 week fixed term membership, you can make videos and sell it as video training, use the content for offline presentations, and so much more.