Most people who spend their time frivolously will only achieve mediocre results and will never achieve big goals.
Today, I’m sharing 15 unprofitable distractions and time-wasters you should consider giving up if you’re truly committed to achieving bigger goals.
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15 Distractions that keep you from achieving big goals:
1. Worrying about things you can’t control. Ask yourself what you’re accomplishing by worrying about things outside of your control. You’ll find that worrying has never solved anything.
2. Worrying about the opinions of others. People think about you less than you imagine. When you’re trying to accomplish something challenging, you just don’t have time to worry about what others think.
3. Wasting time in general. Big goals require time and commitment, and you simply don’t have time to waste on trivial things. Keep a record of how you spend your time for one day. You might not be spending your time on many productive tasks that will help you reach your goals.
4. Surfing the internet, checking your email, browsing social media. These are huge timewasters. The time seems to fly by while you’re watching a parakeet play the organ on social media.
5. TV. Many highly successful people don’t even own a TV. Enough said.
6. Playing on your smartphone. Spend one day without looking at your smartphone unless someone calls you. Notice how much more you get done.
7. Interacting with the noise of the world. This goes back to worrying about things you can’t control and wasting time. You can argue about politics all you like, but you’re not going to change anyone’s mind, and no one is going to change yours. Keep the majority of your attention on the things that matter in your life, like your relationships and your big goals.
8. Doing the easy thing. The easy thing is rarely the effective thing. When you’re pursuing a big goal, doing the effective thing is critical.
9. Worrying about failure. You’re guaranteed to fail somewhere along the way, so don’t worry about it. Just learn, adjust your approach, and continue forward.
10. The opinions of those you wouldn’t switch places with. For example, if you want to be worth a million dollars, it would be wise to listen to the ideas of other millionaires. That probably doesn’t include your mom, Uncle Jim, your best friend from high school, or your neighbor, Bob.
11. Trying to be liked by everyone. It’s never going to happen. Again, avoid worrying about things you can’t control. You could be the most perfect pianist in the world, but there are some people that hate the piano. That’s life.
12. Procrastination. There’s no time to wait. Putting things off suggests that there’s another issue lurking beneath the surface. Identify and rectify it.
13. Allowing your emotions to guide you when logic should prevail. We tend to make choices that serve to avoid our discomfort. Also, we often make decisions in the heat of the moment. Instead, use your knowledge and experience to make choices that support you and your goals.
14. Repeating mistakes. Repeating mistakes is a waste of time. It’s like trying to open a locked door over and over again. Learn from your mistakes and grow from them.
15. Seeking pleasure instead of seeking progress. Seeking pleasure doesn’t lead to a good place in the long-term. Pleasure-seeking tends to make you overweight, lazy, and lost.
Achieving big goals isn’t only about what you do, but also about what you’re willing to give up. There will be distractions and time-wasters that you simply don’t have time for if you want to reach higher levels of success.
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Scrolling the internet or tv is my biggest distraction! I definitely have to work away from those if I want to be productive. Thank you for sharing.
Lauren – bournemouthgirl x
Lauren, Yes!! One of my biggest distractions is all the shiny objects on the internet. LOL As for TV, my family enjoys me sitting with them to watch, but I use this time to multi-task and draw creatives on my tablet using procreate.