New! Facebook Places – PLR Illustrated Guides Licenses to be sold: 125 This plr package includes tutorials of 3 and 1 checklist on how your readers can market to smartphone owners. PLR Topics Include:
- How Facebook Places Works (4 pages / 6 images): Help your readers get more exposure and interactivity to their local market by showing them the features and benefits of using Facebook Places.
- Claim Your Business On Facebook Places (3 pages / 4 images): The first step to using Facebook Places is for your readers to claim their place. Show them how to do that with this step-by-step guide.
- Add Your Place (4 pages / 7 images): If your readers have a local business, they can easily add it to Facebook Places. This step-by-step guide will show them how.
- Checklist for using Facebook Places ( 5 pages / 7 images): Help your readers use Facebook Places effectively, from the most essential fundamentals to more creative marketing techniques with this quick checklist.