Manicure & Pedicure – DIY PLR (fully illustrated) Licenses: 30 only Expiry: August 6, 2010 Price: $10
- How to Give Yourself a Manicure (13 pages / 12 photos): Shows your readers what supplies are needed, how to use them and tips for best results…all step-by-step.
- How to Give Yourself a Pedicure (14 pages / 17 photos): Shows your readers what supplies are needed, how to use them and tips for best results…all step-by-step.
That’s a full 27 pages of illustrated, ready-to-go or ready-to-edit and monetize content, including 29 photos!
- Click here to view details and grab your PLR copy
NOTE: The offer above is no longer available.
You might be interested in the Natural Skin Care PLR and Self Care PLR offers below…

I realize that the availability of this pack ended on August 6th, but I was wondering if there would be any possible way to still purchase it, if any of the 30 licenses were unsold. I think it would be perfect for a website I’m planning and the quality of nail care PLR is not all that spectacular. I’m writing some of the content myself, but I would like to fill in with other material. Thanks for your consideration.
Anthony, so sorry. These are indeed gone! I’m not sure what your main niche is, but there’s two plr content packages you might be interested in: Natural Skin Care and also Natural Beauty – Makeup PLR Bundle
Thank you so much for the fast response. I figured that all the packages were gone, but that there’s no harm in asking. I’m planning a nail care site. I looked at the topics that you recommended. Unfortunately, they’re not as targeted as I would like, although I’m sure they’re excellent. I’m bookmarking this site for future projects. Best of luck to you and thanks again.
Sorry again, Anthony, that I could not be of further assistance. However, if I come across an excellent source with “quality” material, I’ll be sure to let you know.