PLR content dealing with Depression. Yes, this is PLR content would be great for blog content, creation of videos, for webinars, or in your offline business with your clients.
Depression PLR Pack includes:
16 depression articles
1 Done-for-You Powerpoint presentation
14 Affirmations for Life 225 – 275 words to help people position
their thinking into a more positive direction.
15 Inspirational images you can use build your list as free
giveaways, or as a bonus when combined in a package you create for
sale. You can even use them to create videos – the sky’s the limit
*All topics have at least 400 words. Many have 500+ words.
Article topics onclude:
Do You Have the Baby Blues or is it Postpartum Depression Instead?
3 Natural Ways of Dealing with Depression
3 Types of Herbal Remedies for Depression
4 Medical Causes for Depression
4 Myths about Depression in the Elderly
4 Reasons for Postpartum Depression & Risk Factors for Its Development
4 Steps to Reduce Depression by Changing Your Thinking
5 Benefits of Pet Therapy for Depression
5 Tips to Consider Before Purchasing a SAD Lamp
7 Types of Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
7 Ways to Identify Suicidal Ideation in a Depressed Individual
What is Dysthymia and What Can be Done About it?
What are the Causes of Depression in Children and Teenagers?
Ways to Recognize if an Elderly Loved One has Depression or Dementia
Symptoms & Presentations of Depression in School-Aged Children & Adolescents
Recognizing Prenatal Depression & Its Effects on Mother & Unborn Baby