Melissa and Nicole have just released a new marketing PLR planner: Design your Client Attracting Website
The Step-by-Step Planner Covers (19 PAGES):
- Step 1: Define Your Primary Website Goal
- Exercise: Define Your Website Goal(s)
- Step 2: Map Out Your Website
- Exercise: Map Your Website
- Step 3: Beautiful Branding
- Exercise: Brainstorm Your Branding Elements
- Step 4: All About You!
- Exercise: Write Your About Page
- Step 5: Attracting the Right Traffic
- Exercise: Create a Market Survey
- Step 6: Fill in the Gaps
- Exercise: Find and Fill the Gaps
- Step 7: Eliminate the Leaks
- Exercise: Review Your Site for Leaks and Make a Plan to Fix Them
- Step 8: Accessorize Like a Super Model
- Exercise: Plan Your Website Accessories
GRAB it HERE: Your clients will LOVE having this marketing PLR planner they can download or print off
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==>> FREEBIE: Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.]]>