Here’s some New PLR Content Deals this Week… Casey released one of the largest content packages her and her team have ever put out, giving YOU 120 inspiring new PLR articles centered around the Christian faith…. Taking quotes and inspiration from The Bible, these articles, reaching an astonishing almost 100,000 words, inspire and encourage contemplation on a variety of important topics and ideas.
120 Inspirational Christian Articles (Almost 100,00 words)
Also, she recently released some new PLR on healthy eating..Healthy Carbohydrate Foods PLR Videos
Rachel has just released some new PLR for Paleo….
Paleo for Athletes
Tracy and Susanne have just released new PLR articles for the crockpot lovers…
5 Slow Cooking/Crockpot Articles
Sharyn and her team recently released a new PLR biz training course….
How to Find and Interview Influencers
It teaches people how to find, connect with, and interview the people in your industry who have the most influence on your ideal target client. Since it’s a ‘Blaze’ package, people who buy a license will get a full set of materials to Deliver, Teach, and Promote their own product.Click here to grab your license for “How to Find and Interview Influencers
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