New! All About WordPress Plugins – Coaching PLR
Making your WordPress Blog Lean And Mean with Plugins
Only 250 licenses to be sold
You can make big money showing people how to “power up” their WordPress sites. You can make even bigger money if you show them how, but then offer to do it for them – for a fee. Or, in this case, you can promote your OWN WordPress plugins inside your presentation!
Developed for beginners, this PLR package will help you to teach online or offline business owners how they can take their WordPress site and make it even more powerful.
This package gives you the ability to quickly and easily:
…Produce Video or Audio
…Host a Webinar or Teleseminar
…Prepare Offline Presentations
…Sell as an Info Product straight out of the box
Whether you’re a Offline Consultant, Service Provider, or Information Marketer, if you teach business owners, this package will provide you with everything you need to give your clients and customers a complete blueprint to WordPress Plugins.
What this PLR Package Includes:
4 step-by-step guides
Collection of the 85 screenshots used in the guides
114 PowerPoint Slides
4 Step-by-Step Guides
Guide One: Introduction to Plugins. What are they? Why are they Important? What are the Dangers of Plugins? (1190+ Words. 16 graphics.)
Guide Two: The Top Three Plugins you Absolutely Need on Every WordPress Site you Own. (1900+ Words. 29 graphics.)
Guide Three: More Powerful Recommended Plugins. (2000+ Words. 21 graphics.)
Guide Four: Even More Recommended Powerful Plugins. (1700+ Words. 19 graphics.)
Over 100 PowerPoint Slides