Foodaplenty Photo Club” is now live.
If you join between now and December 31, you’ll be guaranteed the lowest monthly rate (that will never increase as long as you keep your membership active) and you’ll also get a FREE license to their “Delish! Instant Social Graphics” WordPress plugin. (This plugin makes it easy to create pinnable and shareable graphics without using a graphics editor.)
Alert: The first 72 hours is the lowest price you can get locked into, the launch price will then jump a little higher, and finally will go up to $18.99 per month on January 1st.
Here’s what’s include in the membership:
30 monthly full-sized food photos on a particular theme. This month’s theme is comfort food
20 social media graphics with quotes, sayings and tips
Monthly tips sheet with a topic idea for each day, recipes to adapt or share, ideas for products to promote and social media tips
Charter members only: “Delish! Instant Social Graphics” WordPress plugin
Click here to view more details now
____________________________________ THANK YOU for taking time to visit my PLR Content Shop! Here’s a FREE image I made for you to use in your social media promotions. (Just add your URL at the bottom) *Please right click to save to your own computer.
==>> FREEBIE: Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.]]>